The JDH Water Cow Family
+JDH Ms Water Manso cow family at V8 Ranch
+JDH Ms. Water Manso 239 was born in 2002 at J.D. Hudgins, Inc., and raised by Adrian and Karen (Mangum) Gubert, who branded the XL shoulder brand. When the Mangum division decided to sell their cows, of course, Sloan was there waiting. He could never resist a group of cows for sale, so imagine his excitement when it was a group of JDH cows from right down the road! Sloan picked up Jim, Luke, and Catherine and drove them to the “Herding Ground” pasture at JDH to size up the group, but he’d already made up his mind, and he could barely contain his excitement. Sloan bought the entire group of about 75 females. Bubba Hudgins had allowed Adrian and Karen to breed their cows to (+)JDH Sir Liberty Manso; he had even advised them on which cows he thought would mate best with the bull. The deal was that Bubba would get to keep any bull calves, and the Guberts would get the heifers. There were three daughters of Liberty in the group, and Water was our top pick. She came to V8 as a five-year-old cow and her first flush to +Mr. V8 287/5, “Superstroke” resulted in +Miss V8 138/7, one of our top donors today. But it was the flushes to +Mr. V8 380/6 that produced quality in volume and cemented her place in the history books at V8.
The cross of (+)JDH Sir Liberty Manso daughters to +Mr. V8 380/6 has been well documented; the outcross JDH genetics of Water made magic at V8.
(+)JDH Dakota Manso 599
JDH Mr Manso 175
+JDH Lady Grega Manso
SIRE: (+) JDH Sir Liberty Manso
(+)JDH Remington Manso
+JDH Lady Remington Mans
JDH Queen Audra De Manso
+JDH Mr. Rha Ely Manso
JDH Sir Trullo Manso
JDH Miss Tippit Manso
DAM: JDH Mattie Trully Manso
JDH Ailanti Manso 3
JDH Mattie Bell Manso
JDH Lady Sims Manso

(+)JDH Sir Liberty Manso 847/5, sire of +JDH Ms Water Manso.
What makes her special?
Two daughters, Miss V8 844/7 and Miss V8 626/7, both raised by V8 Ranch, hold International and National Grand Champion titles, respectfully. In Jim’s notes in her production record, he summed it up in two simple words: “Great Cow!”
Born: Spring 2002,
J.D. Hudgins, Inc. Hungerford, Texas
Death: Spring 2018, Boling, TX
Impact At V8
Number of Sons: 16
Number of Daughters: 26
Modern Influence
Her son, Mr. V8 243/7, is a popular AI sire on the ranch and Water’s grandson, Mr. V8 855/7, was our 2018 Bull of the Year. And Water’s daughters, who have held National and International Champion titles, are some of the most impressive in the breed. A granddaughter, Miss V8 898/8, was the 2019 Reserve National Champion and is an upcoming donor here at the ranch.
For further study, explore the JDH Water cow family through these sires and donors at V8 Ranch that are in production at this time.
Office Location
6329 FM 1096
Boling, Texas 77420
Phone Contacts
979-657-3223 (fax)
M-F: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Weekends: Appointment Only

V8 Ranch, and the V8 brand are registered trademarks in the United States of America and may not be used without permission.