by V8 Ranch | Sep 16, 2021 | +Mr. V8 380/6 News, Semen Sales, V8 Ranch News
+Mr. V8 380/6 Takes Up the Mantle as #1 Gray Brahman Bull in the ABBA Register of Renown In the February 2021 issue of The Brahman Journal, the American Brahman Breeders’ Association (ABBA) listed +Mr. V8 380/6 as the top-producing gray bull on the Register of...
by V8 Ranch | Sep 15, 2021 | +Mr. V8 380/6 News, 539/6 Cow Family, 805/6 Cow Family, 906/2 Cow Family, Show Results, V8 Ranch News
Miss V8 62/9 Named Premier Gray Show Female of the Year Jim Williams isn’t just famous for his accomplishments as a Brahman breeder and judge, he’s also known for his insistence that “the magic is in the cows.” His words proved to be true once again, when V8 gray...
by V8 Ranch | Sep 8, 2021 | V8 Ranch News
From Herd Production to Herd Reference Guide Publishing When you envision a Brahman cattle ranch operation like ours, in your mind’s eye you likely see us fixing fences, hauling bales of hay, feeding cows, and herding cattle. You probably don’t imagine us...
by V8 Ranch | Aug 24, 2021 | Claydesta Cow Family, Rose Cow Family, V8 Ranch News
Say the number “23” to a basketball fan, and they’ll answer back with “Michael Jordan”. NASCAR fans will forever associate the number 43 with the great racing legend, Richard Petty. And number 3? Well, that’s Dale Earnhardt, of course. Wayne Gretzky’s 99 is the most...
by V8 Ranch | Aug 16, 2021 | V8 Ranch News
At V8, ranching is a family affair, and it has been for generations. That philosophy extends to our participation in industry associations, including ABBA, the American Brahman Breeders Association. Founded in 1924 as the official breed registry of American Brahman...
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