V8 Ranch reigns supreme
V8 ranch travels to Oklahoma City, OK for the 2023 Cattleman’s congress
A Supreme Understatement
As the Third Annual 2023 Cattleman’s Congress came to a close, our very own Jim Williams was interviewed by KC Shepherd of the Oklahoma Farm Report. He opened with: “I’m visiting with Jim Williams of V8 Ranch in Boling. Man, you guys have had a good day.”
That was an understatement! The 2023 Cattleman’s Congress showcased 28 breeds of beef cattle from 42 states and 4 Canadian provinces, with four champions, including the Supreme American Female and the Reserve Supreme Champion American Bull, all carrying V8 holding brand on their hips.
The V8 crew, along with Miss V8 279/9, the Supreme Champion American Female, and Mr. V8 891/8 “Pathfinder,” the Reserve Supreme Champion American Bull.
L-R: Jim Williams, Kennedy Marshall, Knox Neumayr, Catherine Neumayr, Mikey Curry, Luke Neumayr, Briley Richard, Jeff Richard, and Shari Richard
Four Champions and Two Supremes
Miss V8 279/9 was selected as Grand Champion Brahman Female. Her bull calf, Mr. V8 333/9 (whom we’ve lovingly nicknamed “Edgar”) completed the championship pair. Miss V8 279/9 then went on to win the Supreme Champion American Female title.
When asked to comment on why he felt the judges awarded Miss V8 279/9 the title, Jim Williams explained: “One of the first things on her, she is a pair with a nice bull calf at side. She’s a heifer that is going to be three in January, and she calved at about 29 months old which tells you that she will be a very fertile cow. She’s already producing. She has a nice udder, and as the judges said, she has a lot of balance. She’s a female that’s square on her feet and legs, very feminine and refined, has good length of body, and an excellent temperament; she’s just as gentle as can be with that calf and cow. A lot of people have the misconception that Brahmans are nervous, so she’s a great example of a good docile American Brahman female.”
Miss V8 532/9, sold in Made for Magic V and owned by Gary and Kathy Buchholz of GKB Cattle, was selected as Reserve Grand Champion Brahman Female.
Mr. V8 891/8 “Pathfinder” was selected as Grand Champion Brahman Bull. Co-owned by V8 and Gary and Kathy Buckholz of GKB Cattle, “Pathfinder” then went on to win the Reserve Supreme American Bull title.
Mr. V8 910/8 “Axel”, owned by Stafford Cattle Company and Walters Livestock Enterprises, was selected as Reserve Grand Champion Brahman Bull.
The Grand Champion Cow, Grand Champion Bull, and Reserve Grand Champion Bull are progeny of +Mr. V8 146/8 “Sloan”. Miss V8 532/9 is sired by +Mr. V8 322/8, 2020 National Champion and 2020 Grand Champion Bull at the Cattleman’s Congress.
Over 2,200 exhibitors came to the 2023 show and competed with over 10,000 cattle. Jim Williams said: “We did well in the Brahman Show… and are just completely overwhelmed that we would have a Brahman win the Supreme Champion American Female, and also have a Grand Champion Brahman Bull win the title of Reserve Supreme American Bull. That’s very, very good for a pure-bred animal to win that.”
In the past, V8 Brahmans have won Supreme titles at other shows, but this is the first time Brahmans have earned Supreme titles at Cattleman’s Congress, competing against the best breeders and cattle in all other American breed categories. (The Supreme Champion American award at the Cattleman’s Congress was instituted two years ago. Last year Miss V8 277/9 and Mr. V8 910/8 “Axel” won in their respective Brahman categories and went on to compete in the Supreme American Drive but fell short of winning the overall Supreme titles.)
Supreme Champion American Female
Miss V8 279/9
Sire: +Mr. V8 146/8 “Sloan”
Dam: JDH Ashtyn Manso 210/2
Reserve Grand Champion Female
MISS V8 532/9
Sire: +Mr. V8 322/8
Dam: JDH Lady Manso 563
Owned by: GKB Cattle
Reserve Grand Supreme AMerican Bull
Mr. V8 891/8 “Pathfinder”
Sire: +Mr. V8 146/8 “Sloan”
Dam: +Miss V8 879/6
Reserve Grand Champion bull
MR. V8 910/8 “Axel”
Sire: +Mr. V8 146/8 “Sloan”
Dam: +Miss V8 947/6
Shown by: Stafford Cattle Company and Walters Livestock
+MR. V8 146/8 “SLOAN”
A big win for the brahman breed
The 2023 Cattleman’s Congress in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma was the final show in a weeks-long tour that kickstarted the 2023 show season. V8 Ranch took a small string of only 8 head on the road. Jeff and Shari Richard lead the team with Mikey Curry, Kennedy Marshall, and Briley Richard rounding out our seasoned crew. Jim Williams and Luke, Catherine, and Knox Neumayr also attended.
These wins, however, aren’t just for the people you see standing in the event photos. Dozens of dedicated people — in our ranching operation and beyond — play a role in the cattle to the show ring. While we were at the show, our Cowherd Manager Frank Garcia and ranch hand, Scott, were back in Boling, TX calving out cows. We’ll be showing those calves at next year’s event. Fernando and Frankie were taking care of the show barn and cattle that stayed behind.
Beyond the gate of the ranch, you’ll find the good folks who deliver our feed, our embryologist, and even our banker. The list is long with dozens and dozens of people who have had a hand in the success of our program.
We are grateful to celebrate this achievement, not only with those who work directly with our herd, but with the entire Brahman breed. Seeing Brahmans highlighted in a Supreme Drive is truly a win for all of us.
The Fourth Cattleman’s Congress will be held December 30th through January 12, 2024, at the OKC Fairgrounds; we hope we’ll see you there!